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Sofi Smart: The Lincoln body-builder

Sofi at competition winning a silver medal

For women, the idea of picking up weights in the gym is often not appealing. But not because they're lazy, it's muscle fear.

If you're worried about how you'll look with a bit of muscle, take a look at Lincoln's own Sofi Smart. Sofi competes in competitions where she shows off her bikini body while flaunting her club ready tan.

1. When did you start and why?

I started weight training at the end of 2013, mainly because I had been dieting for a few years and I wasn’t getting any closer to how I wanted to look. My friend suggested that I try weight training in order to build some curves. I’ve been competing since late 2014, mainly because I really enjoy training, and it seemed like the logical progression when I was in the gym twice a day already.

2. What advice do you give to people trying to get fit?

I would suggest that they look online, there’s a multitude of information available, but also it is worth investing some money in a decent coach. I would also tell people to be patient, reslts aren’t overnight; it took years and years to get into shape, so you wont look like the people you see in magazines over night.

3. Do you have a diet plan?

I have a diet plan year round, when im prepping its usually a lot stricter, lower calories, carbs etc. When I'm not prepping I follow a diet plan still but its more relaxed in terms of choices and treats, and usually around 2,500 calories. I eat six times a day.

4. What are competitions like?

Competitions are pretty daunting, you're on stage in a bikini in front of hundreds of people. At the same time they're very satisfying, you’ve worked for months for one day, and it’s a good way to show off your work. On the whole it’s a nice day, you spend the day getting tanned up, make up done, and there’s usually lots of girls backstage which is always fun, and you get the food after that you’ve not had for months.

5. How many have you done? Where and what do you do for each one?

I’ve done 9 shows in total; last year I did 5; in Nottingham, Leicester, Liverpool and Birmingham. This year I'll be competing internationally in Barcelona. You're judged as part of a line up against up to 25 other girls, gradually they reduce this down to the top 6, and youll each perform an ‘I’ walk, which is your dance to show off your body and stage presentation a little more.

6. How long did it take to get into the shape you're in?

It probably took 2-3 years, I over dieted, did too much cardio, had bad off-season diets and these are all counterproductive for making progress.

7. What's your favourite piece of gym equipment?

Viking press for shoulders or outer thigh machine, you can change up how you use a little bit to hit the glutes.

8. What's your favourite sport film?

Does Cool Runnings count?

Photo credit: Sofi Smart

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