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Fitness Film Review - Fat Head

Everyone who is trying to lose weight or stay healthy knows the equation. Eating the right things + moving your body more than once a week = your dream body. Right? Released in American in 2009 Fat Head is a documentary looking to challenge mainstream beliefs on healthy eating and obesity.

The film follows comedian, director and writer Tom Naughton as he talks to health specialists on some of the misconceptions many people have on what it means to be healthy. Trying to prove that a diet solely consisting of fast food can help you to lose weight, the film tends to poke fun at the film shown in science classes across the UK, Morgan Spurlock's ‘Super Size Me’.

Taking an in-depth look at the science behind nutrition, Fat Head is a great film for any health fanatics wanting to learn more about the food that we put into our bodies. Designed not only to prove a point but to educate, the film does a great job of presenting a lot complicated information in a well formatted and entertaining fashion.

Looking a little amateurish at some points with slightly cheap looking graphics might make some views cringe, taking away the important message that the movie tries to convey. However with a lot of talent in front of the camera Fat Head makes some brilliant observations that not only interests viewers but teaches them as well.

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