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Can I still have pancakes?

photo credit Ralph Daily

What’s not to love about a day where it is socially acceptable to stuff your face with sugary treats? Quite bluntly, the fact they’re just plain bad for you. The chocolate laden cakes are no the be-all and end-all, there is a way for you to join in all the fun and tuck in to a tasty pancake for breakfast.

Firstly, switch to wholemeal flour. This is a difference that you will struggle to taste but will make great impressions on your insides. Another healthy swap you could think about making it what sort of milk you use.

Many people will just think about full fat, semi-skimmed and skimmed milk but it is great fun to play around with the alternatives. Have you ever tried an almond milk pan cake? Don’t knock it until you try it, it may surprise you.

Then there’s your toppings. We all know the classic lemon and sugar, but we also know that effectively eating two spoons of sugar doesn’t do any wonders for your teeth or your diet. Why not throw in some fruit?

Our top tip for the best healthy pan cakes you’ll ever have is based around the summery fruit; strawberries. Crush half a punet into a thick paste like juice, then add fresh lemon juice to taste. Spread onto your pan cake and decorate and flavour with blueberries and raspberries with a touch of basil.

Now everyone can tuck into a pan cake totally guilt free, happy Shrove Tuesday to you all. If you have cooked yourself a pancake with a fruity twist of a substitute, send us a photo on Facebook.

Don't let the supermarket fruit prices put you off having a go! Take advantage of lincoln's own farmer's market to pick up your own organic ingradients without paying premium prices.

Tweet us your healthy pancakes @Linc_Fit

Photo credit Ralph Daily

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